Resilience as a Resolution (THE WOMEN’S FUND)

Heather Sholl
Concierge Wellness Coach January 2022

Resilience as a Resolution

Resilience is a key focus at the Women’s Fund and there is no better time to talk about resilience than January! Your body takes a beating over the holidays and getting back on track is a real thing. It may be cliche to have a New Year’s Resolution but let’s be honest, it's a natural time to focus on recovery. Rather than a crash diet or Dry-January, try a SMART angle to kick off a better version of yourself in 2022!

Most of our clients over the years are interested in losing weight. Here is a little behind the scenes on how we coach. Set SMART goals for this month: Specific Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound. If you are setting a goal to lose weight, break that down into commitments that will help you actually meet your goal. Decide how much weight you want to lose, make sure that your goal is realistic and possible based on calories deducted per day, and set up a plan for your food that allows you to lose weight, set a deadline for meeting the weight loss goal.

Let’s put some numbers to your weight loss goal. Did you know that there are 3500 calories in a pound? Did you know that it is safe to lose a maximum of 1-2 pounds per week? This means